Cheap and quality international calls...

iPhone Mobile VoIP

Here is the instructions for our application on iPhone. If something went wrong you always can use Support for Help.

STEP 1 Install SIPfone app.
First of all Launch App store. Find Program named SIPfone. This program is absolutely freeware so you can use it without any problems. Direct link to program: Install SIPfone Application
STEP 2 Setup application settings
After the SIPfone Application were installed, you must setup app settings. So launch your Iphone/Ipad device settings, find SIPfone tab and set all the settings like shown on the screenshot.


Username: Your VoIPclub username(login)

Password: Your VoIPclub password

Domain: See in your account details (must be logged in)

Outbound proxy: OFF

Codecs section:

Advanced section:

STEP 3 Launch SIPfone
Launch SIPfone application. When it's done you will see application homescreen.
STEP 4 Make a call
Once SIPfone is installed set up and launched you can make your call.

Choose call subsection:

Type your number to call and enjoy the conversation.

Remember that you always can use SIPfone internal contact list to save phone numbers and SIP account you calling often.